About Us

Who is behind Tabung.SG
We are a group of professionals who want to help our community be able to donate easily and seamlessly to our Muslim charities and mosques.
What is the purpose of Tabung.SG?
We want to help you to donate to any Muslim charities and mosques from anywhere and at any time. This website serves as an electronic donation box for any mosque or Muslim charity that is always within easy reach.
Why do you only have so few mosques listed on your website?
We have listed all the PayNow QR Codes of the mosques and charities that we have been able to verify as valid and working. We are currently working with the mosques and charities to obtain and generate valid and working PayNow QR Codes and will continually add to our list, insya’allah.
Why launch Tabung.SG when there are already other websites facilitating donations to mosques?

TABUNG.SG is our attempt to offer our sincere efforts for Allah s.w.t and the community.

We saw a need to address some gaps and issues in this donation space. Particularly, we want to work with and enable the lesser known charities and organizations that can benefit from greater accessibility and awareness.

We do not wish to compete with other initiatives and are looking and willing to collaborate with anyone in our endeavours.

Why do I have to use my own banking app to make the transfer?

Tabung.SG is a work in a progress and we hope to be able to provide you with a seamless and easy way of donating to Muslim charities and mosques without having to use a separate banking app.

Please keep us in your prayers as we work to improve.

How do we contact you?
Please feel free to reach us if you encounter any issues. You can send us a message through this email address: contact@tabung.sg

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